Writer Camaraderie

Yesterday, I had one of the best writing days in a long time. Part of that is because of the motivation and cheerleading I receive from my writer buddies at #JulyWritingChallenge on Twitter. We’re a small group so far, each pledging to write 500 words or more every day in the month of July. All while encouraging and cheering each other on.

imagesCAWMX3YSIt’s all about accountability too. Kind of like having a running buddy, a friend to lean on for moral support or a sister who tells you to put the Twinkie down!   Like the song goes, everybody needs somebody sometime.

Writers are an eclectic bunch; full of ideas, seeing beyond the immediate, seeking truth, telling our truth. All of us just trying to tell a story about the world as we see it. And with that can come a lot of frustration, many missteps and a whole lot of balled up papers strewn across the floor. Sometimes we need to take a breath or reach out to someone who understands what we’re going through. Another writer.

I have been very lucky to have met so many wonderful story-tellers in different genres and project stages in this crazy adventure called writing. Each bringing a certain knowledge, advice or shoulder to lean on. If you’re lucky enough to have a writer buddy, hold on to them, lean on them, talk, cry, laugh but most important, motivate. We all need it.

“Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference. They don’t have to makes speeches. Just believing is usually enough.”

― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

To my writer buddies who have pulled me back from the edge and propelled me upward, I say Cheers and Happy Writing!

Nina Lake

P.S. I want to give a special shout out to @kristyace for starting the #JulyWritingChallenge.

8 thoughts on “Writer Camaraderie

  1. Sara Whitford says:

    Great post that I agree with 100%! I honestly don’t know that I’d have been as consistent with my writing this month if it weren’t for the camaraderie and motivation that the Challenge has provided. 🙂


  2. samgarman says:

    I just read Stephen King’s book On Writing. Absolutely a great book. I love how he talks about writing his first book in the back of a trailer while his wife took care of their two young children. I also love that he attributes his success to his wife and how he says he never would’ve continued with “Carrie” if she had straightened out his crumbled papers, read them, and told him to keep going. We all need more cheerleaders!

    Liked by 1 person

    • nlakewriter says:

      Hi, Sam!! As they say…behind every great man is a great woman. And I agree with you, we all need cheerleaders! I’m glad we’re in this group and decided to keep it going. And, I guess Congrats are in order, you’ll be the leader in September!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Marie Grünberg says:

    Thank you for this post 🙂 It’s good to know others feel the same way. I’m so happy to have stumbled upon the #Julywritingchallenge. It’s great to write knowing there are people like you or Kristy, cheering to us and make us stay on target 🙂


    • nlakewriter says:

      Thank you, Marie! And welcome aboard. As writers we need the lift and stay tuned because the challenge will be extended for future months. In the coming weeks I’ll be posting more information on that on my blog as well as weekly notices on books. Happy Writing!


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